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Keep up with Hector

June 2016 roadmap

Jun 4th 2016

May was a refocusing of me working on Hector and becoming more consistent with the amount of attention it gets. I set out some goals for what I wanted to accomplish and was able to meet them. Specifically for this summer I have some larger goals for Hector, but am taking it month by month and want to share with you so you know what to expect. Also it helps keep me accountable 🙂

June Roadmap

These items on the roadmap are based on some feedback from users and also some wants by me. Feel free to share your thoughts or make requests by email (rj@rjmccollam.com) or on Twitter (@rjmccollam or @meethector).

Personal Projects

If you are like me you work on your own stuff as well as client work. Hector is currently built to easily handle client based work, but for me I haven’t wanted to really to keep an actual project for Hector since it would be in the middle of all of my client workload. Personal projects will be meant to allow you to create a project in Hector, mark it as personal, and not have it be included in your list of active and upcoming projects. Keep your client work separate from your personal work is the thought here.

UI Improvements

Here’s the deal – I have a long way to go in the design department, and while I want to do a complete redesign of Hector that isn’t the smartest way to spend my time right now. I have a few rounds of design and UI improvements planned and some of them will be released this month.

Due Dates on Project Tasks

Users use project tasks a lot. Honestly more than I thought they would and improving project tasks has been one of the most requested things. Kind of like improving the UI I am not going to completely redo project tasks, but handle it incrementally. Starting with adding due dates to projects. I think this one improvement will help bring a lot of clarity to projects in Hector, especially when working with other people.

Project Status

This is a selfish feature that I want to add. I often work with other designers on a project and the idea of a project being active or upcoming is usually different for me and the designer at different times. I have a plan for you to see a projects status, or the earliest task that is due, at a glance on the dashboard.

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