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Email notifications…finally

May 30th 2016

Example of an email notification from Hector

Example of an email notification from Hector

Probably the biggest thing that has been lacking from Hector has been notifications. If you use Hector and collaborate on projects with others you were never aware anytime anything happened on that project. Needless to say notifications are a core feature needed in Hector, and I am glad to finally tell you that they have been created and are working now.

When will I get notified?

Currently notifications only come into play when working on a project with another person. As collaboration is expanded in Hector more notifications will be added. Below is a list of the current actions that will prompt you to get a notification.

Notification annoyance

We all use those apps and services that can take email notifications too far. As much as I could I kept this in mind as I built this feature out. The biggest step I implemented to combat the annoyance that can come with constant email notifications is I made sure that anytime you are the user who performs an action that will send out notifications you yourself will not receive an email. That is redundant and super annoying.

In the future that will probably be options to give you granular control over what notifications you do and don’t receive, but for now everyone will receive an email when they are working on projects with others.

More to come

This was a nice way to round out May and meet the goals I had for Hector this month. There is a list of items set for June that I will be working on and you should see the fruits of my labor soon.

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